Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Flower Girls & Ring Bearers

Andy and I have a lot of little ones in both of our families that we love dearly and could not think of having our wedding without! As a teacher, I of course think that the flower girls and ring bearers in weddings are one of the cutest parts! We knew we wanted to invite all of Andy's nieces and nephews as well as my cousins' children to be a part of our special day, but I really wanted to do it in a unique and memorable way. After searching online, I found a great website that makes wedding gifts. Kids love cookies, right?! So, I had cookies specially made with each of the kids' names on them, asking them to be in our wedding party. They turned out to be beautiful!

All the personalized cookies

The girls got dresses & flowers, and the boys received football & baseball cookies

Cookies wrapped!

We gave Andy's nieces and nephews their cookies during Noni's Cookies & Crafts where all the grand kids head to Andy's mom's house and bake holiday cookies & make cute crafts for the holidays. The kids loved their cookies & allegedly ate them right up! :) Of course, they said yes to being in our wedding party first!

One of our family traditions is celebrating Christmas with my mom's side of the family, the Zapotoczny's, around New Years. On January 2nd, we had our annual New Years/Christmas and had the opportunity to ask my cousins' children to be in our wedding. I gave them all their cookies with their regular Christmas presents so it would be an extra surprise when they opened them. Everyone loved the cookies! They were a big hit! All of the kiddies said yes (and their parents too of course!)! We are so looking forward to celebrating with them in July!

Andy & I with our Jr. Bridesmaid Rachel, Flowergirl Julia, Ring Bearers Myles & Will... and their cookies :)

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