Monday, January 31, 2011

6-months of Newly Wedded Bliss

Exactly 6 months ago together, we were doing this...

And this...
And we sealed it like this...
Yup. We did a looot of this... 
Mmm, this was a good part...

And finally, after 7 years, us two became one.
 Happy 6 months to us newlyweds! <3

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Favorite 29-Year-Old

Today is Andy's 29th birthday! I just figured I'd take a moment before the present opening, fancy dinner & cake eating festivities commence in the Saulitis household to share with you all some of the things I LOVE so much about this birthday boy. 

  1. He is sports-crazy. A lot of married couples have issues over how sports-crazy the men are in their relationships. Have you ever seen those little pillows that say "Marriage on hold until after football season"? Not in this house. Because we embrace it since we are both, well, crazy. We are both very lucky to have found someone as obsessed with sports as we each are. We plan major life events around them (fyi- be careful about planning any weddings, baby showers, etc. during football season. while we are willing to make some sacrifices for those we love, if it's a big game- you better believe our focus will only be partially with you on your big day! we have been known to attend parties with bluetooths and mini-tv's in hand for score updates... just a warning!) Afterall, how many people turn down an offer from their wife to go out to dinner ANYWHERE of their choosing on their birthday in order to stay home for a basketball game on tv? My husband :)
  2. He is obsessed with clean carpets. Yes, you all read that right. Andy's favorite household chore is cleaning the carpets. And I mean cleaning. Not only does he vacuum the entire house at least once or twice a week, but he steam cleans the carpets every.single.month! And you know what?! I hate cleaning carpets! Vacuuming has always been my least favorite chore. So, I love that he worries about those carpets for the both of us because if it were left up to me- I wouldn't even know what a steam cleaner was!
  3. He baby talks to his dog. You all know baby-talk. Now I should mention that he does not baby-talk to any children, not even his own nieces and nephews. But his dog? All the time. Even when he's having a bad day, that dog can sure put a big a smile on his cute face. I love how much he loves his dog, and how devoted he is to taking care of him. I can only imagine that he will be the same when we have our own little ones running around someday in the future...
  4. He is as obsessed with our wedding as I am. Sometimes I wonder if he even beats me in this category. He casually says "I wish we could do our wedding day all over again", or "that was the best day of my life" all of the time. I love that he thought our day was as perfect as I thought it was too. He was such a willing and helpful contributer to all of the planning, so it is perfect that it turned out so ideally for the both of us. That day will forever be put on a pedastool in our lives and I love that it meant so much to him.
  5. He loves me. This is by far the most important one. I love Andy for loving me, supporting me, taking care of me, worrying about me for 7 1/2 years. He is my best friend. My confidant. I love having him come home to me every day. My life is better because he is a part of it and for that, I hope he has the best 29th birthday ever!
Happy Birthday Andrew! I love you! <3

Now, let the official countdown to 30 begin... :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Current Obsessions

Here are a few things I am currently obsessing over at the beginning of this new year.

  • Redecorating. This was one of my new year's resolutions for 2011 and boy am I in full swing of accomplishing this goal fast! I have hit the ground running and am currently obsessed with any and all things home decor. I could sit and watch any of the home renovation shows on TLC and HGTV for hours on end (and, shamelessly have done so on multiple occasions). I love to surf the net searching for neat home decorating blogs and looking at rooms for inspiration. My new favorite places: Home Goods and World Market. Andy thinks I've lost my mind, but I think he will enjoy the finished upgrades when it's all said and done. I am updating photo frames around the house, adding new art to our walls, putting up sconces, lighting rooms with tall-modern candle sticks, engaging in DIY projects to upgrade mirrors, and spending! I guess something had to give between my new year's resolution to redecorate and my resolution to save money. Good thing I have 11 more months to work on the latter! Here's a sneak peek into some of our *new* decor items around the house. Future posts with all our updates when I am satisfied (or broke) from all the re-do's!

  • Snuggling in bed. Lately, I have been... well, let's call a spade a spade- lazy. I am lacking all kinds    of motivation to do anything these days (with the exception of decorating our house!) I have no motivation to go to the gym, no motivation at work, no motivation to get out of bed on cold, windy winter mornings. A couple of weeks ago, I came down with a nasty case of bronchitis- fever, cough, stuffy nose, body aches. I spent 3 solid days in bed and did not move. Since then, I have found myself spending a lot of time under the covers. I look forward to coming home from work, doing a few household chores, and crawling into bed to read a little, take a 30-minute nap, or watch trash tv. I don't know if it's the cold weather, the winter blues, or purely my own lazy tendencies, but I have got to get myself together! As much as I love my bed and snuggling in sweats, I am 26 and need to get back into a productive routine!
  • Wishing for snow days. I love living in a place where there are 4 distinct seasons throughout the year. I love spring for the bits of green that start to sneak back on the trees, the pastel flowers that bloom brightly, and the chance to wear cute rain boots to splash in the puddles. I love summer for the cute skirts and flip-flops, sunbathing by the pool, and days off from school. I love the fall, with it's beautiful foliage, jeans & light sweater weather, and Hokie football. But this time of year, I look forward to snow! I think teachers love the potential for snow even more than the kids do! When a snowstorm is in the forecast, an entire day at school feels totally un-ordinary. There is excitement in the air, snow dances done in classrooms, and prayers said for a snow day or two-hour delay! There is no feeling like waking up on a cold, blustery winter morning and checking the TV only to see those five precious words scroll across the screen: Fairfax County Public Schools- CLOSED. Just the hope and anticipation of snow keeps me going this time of year. I sure hope the snow gods are kind and bless us with a few more *free* days off soon!