Saturday, March 8, 2014

25 Things You Don't Know About Me

Hello, my name is Heather and I am an Us Weekly addict. One of my favorite things to read is the lists that celebrities do of 25 things people don't necessarily know about them. Since it appears Us Weekly is not going to ask me to complete one of these questionnaires anytime soon, I figured I'd try to make my own. Here goes:

  1. I had no name for the first 2 weeks of my life. I was simply know as "Baby Girl McDonald".
  2. One of my greatest guilty pleasures is theme parties. I LOVE any excuse to dress up or wear a costume.
  3. Another is obviously reality TV shows and Gossip magazines (ahem, Us Weekly). 
  4. I never received anything below a B in my entire schooling career. Yes, I'm bragging- but I am very proud of my hard work.
  5. I prefer salty snacks and foods to sweets. Give me chips and dip over a cookie anyday!
  6. Andy and I dated long distance for 4 years in college while I received my undergrad degree and masters at Virginia Tech and he finished undergrad and his MBA at Clemson.
  7. I am a certified sports-crazed, fanatic. I love football, soccer, baseball, basketball, and volleyball.
  8. On that note, one of my biggest dreams for the future is to see my Hokies win a national championship in person.
  9. Cheeseburgers are my absolute favorite food. I could eat them anytime-morning, noon or night!
  10. My favorite author is Jodi Picoult. I love the way she write stories from multiple points of view.
  11. One of my favorite books, however, is The Godfather. I was shocked to have enjoyed it so much when I was assigned to read it in my first English class at VT as a freshman.
  12. I am a homebody and would prefer to stay in most nights in my pj's with a good book.
  13. If I could have any job on the planet, I would be a professional athlete. 
  14. I have an obsession with organization and things always being "put in their place". 
  15. I also make lists for everything. And I mean ev-er-y-thing. I even have a daily to-do list in my planner that includes things such as "Work 7-3" everyday. Serious OCD tendencies.
  16. One of my biggest challenges is being spontaneous. I am such a planner.
  17. My husband, Andy, is my biggest running motivator. He runs every single day and inspires me to push myself.
  18. There is nothing more valuable to me on this earth than my family and my friends. 
  19. I am the youngest person in our group of friends and am therefore, the last to turn 30. Makes it a little more bearable since they already hit the milestone :)
  20. I am a big fan of living in an area that experiences 4 distinct seasons. I love the cool, crisp air in the fall, the beautiful falling leaves and football season. I love cold, snowy winters that include snow days and fires in the fireplace. I love seeing the flowers poke out of the ground and the warm sunshine beating on me in the spring time. I love vacations and long-hot days poolside in the summertime.
  21. I had my tongue pierced during college. Clearly my rebellious stage of life.
  22. One of my biggest flaws is that I continuously compare myself to others. I'm working on it everyday.
  23. I am terrible at confrontation and conflict, but absolutely love watching the crazy Housewives on Bravo go at it!
  24. My go-to beverage of choice is an ice cold beer. Although, I've never turned down a nice glass of red wine either.
  25. I wasn't even sure I could come up with 25 things about me for this list. Cheers to that!

I'm baaaaaaack!

Wow. I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted. I could come up with a million different reasons and excuses for my lack of updates, but let's be honest- it just hasn't been much of a priority lately. It's been a long, exhausting, crazy, stressful 6 months. But, I finally feel like the light is at the end of the tunnel and life is beginning to get back into some sort of routine for us. I promise to catch up on most of the big things I've neglected to share, such as our new house, but first I'll start my next full-post with something fun to re-introduce myself :) Enjoy!