Sunday, May 19, 2013

29th Birthday

This past Friday I celebrated my 29th birthday. We started the celebrations a little early on Thursday evening by going bowling with some friends to kick-off the weekend. I have always LOVED my birthday- so I try to drag out the celebrations as much as possible :) Friday I celebrated at school with my amazing co-workers and 5-year olds. I think they may have been more excited than I was! That evening, my parents and Andy's mom met us for dinner at PF Changs for a birthday dinner and then my parents came back to our house for gifts and cake. On Saturday night I met up with some of my bestest friends from highschool. We had cake and festivities at my friend Chris' house and then ventured to see The Legwarmers, an AWESOME 80's cover band... all in our 80's gear! It was such a fun way to celebrate the beginning of the last year of my 20's with such great friends and family. Every year on my birthday I am reminded how lucky I am to have such loving, generous and fun people in my life. Here's to hoping 29 is an amazingly wonderful year!