Sunday, January 31, 2010

Where have you been?

My good friend Ryan over at Herodotuswithalaptop has created his own amazing travel company. His most recent post about the 50 most searched places to visit was intriguing to me. So I decided to find out how many of the top 50 I've visited thus far in my lifetime. I have highlighted the places I have been lucky enough to visit. For my blog friends, copy and paste this list into your next blog and highlight where you've been fortunate enough to go visit!

1. London, UK
2. New York City
3. Las Vegas, NV
4. Paris, France
5. Dublin, Ireland
6. Los Angeles, CA
7. Orlando, FL
8. Rome, Italy
9. Madrid, Spain
10. Miami, FL
11. Cancun, Mexico
12. Frankfurt, Germany
13. Honolulu, HI
14. San Francisco, CA
15. Amsterdam, Netherlands
16. San Jose, CA
17. Barcelona, Spain
18. Manchester, UK
19. Sydney, Australia
20. Johannesburg, South Africa
21. Bangkok, Thailand
22. Fort Lauderdale, FL
23. Lima, Peru
24. Buenos Aires, Argentina
25. Chicago, IL
26. Tel Aviv, Israel
27. Athens, Greece
28. Munich, Germany
29. Milan, Italy
30. Nassau, Bahamas
31. Vancouver, BC
32. Berlin, Germany
33. San Juan, PR
34. Tokyo, Japan
35. Seattle, WA
36. Washington DC
37. Auckland, New Zealand
38. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
39. Toronto, ON
40. Edinburgh, UK
41. Krakow, Poland
42. Montego Bay, Jamaica
43. Denver, CO
44. Mexico City
45. Melbourne, Australia
46. Copenhagen, Denmark
47. Fort Myers, FL
48. Glasgow, UK
49. Havana, Cuba
50. Venice, Italy

Friday, January 29, 2010

Wedding Updates

Sorry I have neglected my blogging lately. With the end of the 2nd quarter at school, many birthdays to celebrate, and wedding planning, I have been jam-packed with busy agendas and to-do lists!

I have been getting a lot of questions about how the wedding planning is going lately, so I figured I'd give everyone an update on where we are in the process with exactly 6 months to go until the big day! And for those of you who have been begggggging me for a picture, here is the ring shot :) I finally gave in to being "that girl" who shows her ring off online. But it's so pretty, I don't even care! Here's where the future Saulitis' stand...

  • Sparkly engagement ring insured & properly sized :)
  • Wedding party selected
  • Ceremony & reception site booked: Lansdowne Resort 
  • Save-the-dates & Invitations, including inserts, ordered & received
  • Bought my wedding dress!
  • Bought my bridemaids' dresses 
  • Rehearsal Dinner location booked: Tarara Winery 
  • Photographer booked!
  • Officiant selected
  • Contract done on block of rooms reserved at resort
  • Scheduled food taste tasting for May 2010
  • Date & place for my first bridal shower (courtesy of my MOH Rachel Astrow!)
  • Mail save-the-dates! (Like, tomorrow!)
  • Finalizing contract with officiant
  • Florist designs
  • Finalize details for rehearsal dinner (courtesy of Andy's mom, Andrea for planning it!)
Need to do
  • Find & book DJ
  • Find & book string quartet for ceremony & cocktail hour
  • Select flowergirl & Jr bridesmaid dresses
  • Hire videographer
  • Rehearsal dinner invitations
  • Register for gifts
  • Book honeymoon (Andy is 100% in charge of this one!)
  • Get shoes, veil, jewelry
  • Book engagement photo shoot for springtime 
  • Groom & groomsman tuxedos (including ring bearers)
  • Bridesmaid gifts
  • Wedding favors 
  • Table labels... we are putting our own special twist on table numbers
I realize there are in reality 98498494 more things to add to my "need to do" list, but I'm trying not to overwhelm myself in the next 5 months! So far, planning this wedding has been such a funnnnn experience! We have been lucky enough to only encounter one major obstacle... our 150 wedding invitations were first printed incorrectly. But we were so lucky to have them re-ordered and fixed within a week! The stationary store we used was AMAZING in fixing the error and it didn't cost us a penny to fix! Andy and I have really never been more in synch than we are as an engaged couple, and he has helped so much by offering his opinion and not offering his opinion when I've needed it :) I am so happily surprised with how involved he wants to be and how excited I see him getting about all the plans we are making. Engagement is so wonderful when both people are really happy and want the same things out of life! I am so lucky to be planning with him and with my awesome parents who are paying for our wedding.I promise to do better at keeping you all updated on our planning. Hopefully next time the "done" list will out-number the "to-do" list!

Monday, January 11, 2010

How 'Bout 'Dem Cowboys?!

I promised an update upon our return from Dallas, Texas and I am delivering! I can't even begin to describe what a fun trip we had! We left from Dulles airport at 6:30am on Saturday morning, arriving in Dallas at 9:15am with an entire day to enjoy. Upon our arrival to DFW Airport, we picked up our rental car and headed towards our hotel... conveniently near Cowboys Stadium :) Driving into the entertainment district of Arlington, we spot...

Cowboys Stadium! What an incredible first look at the new stadium! Half of the reason Andy and I wanted to get out to Dallas this season was to check out the digs. Jerry Jones has built the Cowboys a palace! We were even more excited for the game and the visit upon seeing this magnificent site upon our arrival. We were so lucky to have found a hotel about 1 mile from the actual stadium. We went and checked in early and relaxed, napped, and showered before our tailgate festivities. Around 2pm, we headed to our parking spot to kick off the football fun!

After meeting some local Texans and enjoying a few drinks, we headed towards the stadium to check out what it had in store for us. On our walk up, we were lucky enough to see some of the players entering the stadium from the players lot.
Nose Tackle Jay Ratliff

Tight End Martellus Bennett

For our anniversary a year and a half ago, Andy ordered us a personalized brick to be placed around the sidewalks of the stadium. We were on a mission to find our brick. It took us awhile, but we finally found it!

After finding our brick, we headed into the stadium. We got to walk around inside, visit the proshop, and get some delicious foods before finding our seats. We sat down just in time for the entrance...

We had a great time cheering on the Cowboys in their dominating performance against the Eagles. Being surrounded by Cowboys fans and yelling together for the first playoff victory since 1996 was great. We truly couldn't have asked for a better game or trip!

Winning celebrations

Next Up: Minnesota.

Hoping for Playoff Victory #2...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Here's to the Playoffs!

Andy and I decided to make an impulsive, spur-of-the-moment trip to Dallas, Texas tomorrow morning to watch the Dallas Cowboys play the Philadelphia Eagles. We have been wanting to take another trip down there for a couple years now but haven't made it. We were really hoping to make it to see the new stadium in it's inaugural year and we almost missed out, but we're going to make it! The Cowboys haven't won a play-off game since 1996, so we are really hoping they are able to end this terrible drought and get a big win at home tomorrow night.

I will post pictures from our quick weekend getaway upon our return, but until then...



Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Flower Girls & Ring Bearers

Andy and I have a lot of little ones in both of our families that we love dearly and could not think of having our wedding without! As a teacher, I of course think that the flower girls and ring bearers in weddings are one of the cutest parts! We knew we wanted to invite all of Andy's nieces and nephews as well as my cousins' children to be a part of our special day, but I really wanted to do it in a unique and memorable way. After searching online, I found a great website that makes wedding gifts. Kids love cookies, right?! So, I had cookies specially made with each of the kids' names on them, asking them to be in our wedding party. They turned out to be beautiful!

All the personalized cookies

The girls got dresses & flowers, and the boys received football & baseball cookies

Cookies wrapped!

We gave Andy's nieces and nephews their cookies during Noni's Cookies & Crafts where all the grand kids head to Andy's mom's house and bake holiday cookies & make cute crafts for the holidays. The kids loved their cookies & allegedly ate them right up! :) Of course, they said yes to being in our wedding party first!

One of our family traditions is celebrating Christmas with my mom's side of the family, the Zapotoczny's, around New Years. On January 2nd, we had our annual New Years/Christmas and had the opportunity to ask my cousins' children to be in our wedding. I gave them all their cookies with their regular Christmas presents so it would be an extra surprise when they opened them. Everyone loved the cookies! They were a big hit! All of the kiddies said yes (and their parents too of course!)! We are so looking forward to celebrating with them in July!

Andy & I with our Jr. Bridesmaid Rachel, Flowergirl Julia, Ring Bearers Myles & Will... and their cookies :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

ICE Exhibition

A few weeks ago, Andy came home from work telling me all about this "amazing" new exhibit at the Gaylord National Harbor that was set-up through the holidays called ICE. I had never heard of it, so he briefly explained that it was an exhibit with sculptures and designs created purely out of ice. It sounded neat, so he bought us some tickets to go the night after Christmas. It was beautiful! The intricate details the sculptures included were amazing! It was -9 degrees in the exhibit so they require all visitors to wear a blue winter jacket they provide. Not the most attractive looking, but sooo necessary as it was literally FREEZING throughout the exhibit! Check out some of the incredible sculptures we saw.

The U.S. Capitol Building

Hangin' with Abe Lincoln

Kisses beneath the mistletoe

Andy almost looks like a penguin

Visiting Santa

Incredible Nativity made of ice

Merry Christmas to all!
Hope you all had an incredible holiday season!