Sunday, November 25, 2012

Giving Thanks

This past Thursday, I was fortunate to celebrate another Thanskgiving with the people I love most in this world. Me, Andy and my mother in law headed to my parents house to enjoy a delicious home cooked dinner. We ate turkey and all the delicious trimmings and enjoyed each other's company. Here's a short list of just a few things I am particularly thankful for this year.

 My wonderfully supportive, loving and FUN husband!

 The absolute best parents and family in the entire world.

Awesome friends who are like sisters.

The good health of myself, my family and my friends.

A roof over my head and food on my table.

Hope you all are as fortunate to have so many wonderful things to be thankful for!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Favorite Things To Do With My Newfound Freetime

Since volleyball season ended with a loss in the 2nd round of regionals last Tuesday, I've been readjusting to life without practice and games everyday. Here is how I've been spending my time with some long-lost pleasures:

  •  Hokie Football Games with my favorite diehards. This never stopped during volleyball season, but I have thoroughly enjoyed the past 2 Thursdays with my bestests, grabbing a few beers and yelling at big screen TV's together... even with the many, MANY losses :)
  • DVR Shows. I can FINALLY catch up on all of my favorite trash TV. Real Housewives, Big Rich Texas, Real World/Road Rules Challenge... and mannnnny more!

  • Naps! Oh man. Last Wednesday, my first official day out of season, I literally came home from school at 3:30pm, put on sweats and laid on the couch until 7:30pm. Yup. I took a nap. I watched nothing on TV. It.was.glorious. 
  • Running. I am actually enjoying having the time to go running. Not being able to workout consistently and not following a great diet has had me feeling kind of blah for a few weeks. But I am determined to get back into a good routine and feel better about myself before I gorge myself in the coming weeks!
  • Getting excited for the Holidays! Probably my FAVORITE thing is having the time to get prepared and excited for the upcoming holidays! I love, love, love this time of year! I feel like Halloween snuck up on me and flew by, but I am definitely going to enjoy every second of Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year!
It feels great to be getting back to feeling like my old self again :)