Thursday, January 19, 2012

Life Lessons

19 days into the new year. And it has already sucked. Seriously. And I am Mrs.Optimistic 99% of the time. Happy-go-lucky. Yeah, not so much this year.

But, I have learned some incredibly valuable lessons and have gained an immense amount of perspective. So, maybe it has all been "meant to be" for those reasons?! I hope so because it's been a long 19 days...

The greatest lesson I have learned from it all- and I refuse to relive it all by writing it down- is that no matter what happens in this world, the greatest part of my life will always be the unwavering love and support of my amazing husband, my wonderful family, and the most reliable friends on the planet. I have been supported in every possible way by them over the past few weeks and I am not sure I would have made it without them. When the chips are down and luck is hard to come by, you definitely find out who the important people in your life are, and if I have taken anything away from all of the stress, chaos and unpredictable events that have occurred, it is that I know what a fabulous support system I have in place in my life.

Today I got some great news and I am hoping it is just the thing I need to turn around my 2012. Maybe I am just the luckiest, unlucky person I know :)

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