Saturday, March 5, 2011

March Musings

Nothing too exciting or extravagant going on in the Saulitis household right now. It's all kind of status quo, and kind of boring. I remember last year at this time, I was having the time of my life planning our wedding. Now, I am just sitting back and watching several of my friends enjoy their time as brides-to-be and living vicariously through them. I miss it. The endless to-do lists. Watching non-stop wedding shows on TV. I am glad to actually have some free time this year, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit jealous of all of those with big life changes going on.

It seems like everyone is either planning a wedding, buying a house, having a baby, or experiencing some other glamorous life change. Well, everyone except me. Andy and I were kind of ahead of the game in our circle of friends. We bought a house 2 1/2 years ago. Then, we were the first to get engaged and married. Now, everyone else is catching up. Not that I think life is a race at all! I have just been missing out on the *excitement* of new things lately.

Andy and I have only been married 7 months and I'm already in a rut- ha! Not with him of course. Him and I are perfect, as we knew we would be given the 6 years we dated prior to getting married. But we have nothing exciting going on in our lives right now. I know, I know... I should probably be enjoying every second of being a newlywed and take the time I have to relax and enjoy a leisurely lifestyle. But when everyone else seems to be experiencing such wonderful things, I get envious! I know Andy and I are not at all ready for babies. I am entirely too selfish at this stage in my life to devote myself to a baby 24/7. I also know we don't need a new house right now. But I can't help feeling like I'm standing stagnant while the world moves on without me.

Weird? Yes. Irrational? Most definitely. One of my biggest character flaws is that I am almost incapable of living in the moment. I am always worried about the next thing, what tomorrow will bring, where the future will lead. I've always been this way. If I have nothing to worry about, I make something up to worry about. Consider it part of my OCD.

Oh well. Here's to hoping I can begin to enjoy where we are currently in our stage of life. In fact, I think I'll start right this instant with a delicious glass of wine and some episodes of Glee on a Saturday night :) Hey, this lack of to-do lists and copious amounts of free time is looking better already!

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