Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Postive Outlook

Ugh. I am so.over.this.month. In fact, this entire year has been a little ehhh so far. But this month?! Atrocious. Not a whole lot has really gone right for me, or for a lot of my loved ones lately. And I'm talking both big and little things. I'm not going to go into huge details because a lot of it is very personal to me and to my friends and family, but I needed to vent somewhere and figured this was as good a place as any.

When tragic life events happen, you never know how much it will impact your life or the life of someone else. It's a moment in time that you will never ever forget. And it makes you very sad. We all remember where we were when we first heard about the planes hitting the twin towers on that gray September morning. Many, especially Hokies, can recall the first time they heard word of or personally experienced the tragedy on campus on April 16th, 2007. These moments are ingrained in our memories forever.

Now, when little things go wrong- work related stress, minor health issues/concerns, car trouble, bills, taxes, household chores- we don't necessarily remember these forever (thank goodness). But when the major life tragedies and the little daily nuisances all occur at the same time, over and over and over again, it gets a little annoying!

You know how people say, "bad things come in 3's?" I don't buy it. Because it feels like they just keep on coming. I know things could always be worse, that other's face so many more challenging issues, and that in the great big scheme of things, I am very lucky. But when you keep getting kicked while you're already down, it's exhausting!

Needless to say, I am currently battling the Ides of March for the duration of the entire month. It's been..... not so fun. And I needed something to keep me afloat as I continue to worry about and deal with the stress of one thing or another, both life changing events and small daily challenges. I often enjoy finding song lyrics or quotes that I can truly relate to and inspire me. I came across this quote and it gave me a little inspiration to tough out this rough patch with style, class, and perseverance. I hope it helps me get to the rainbow on the other side of all this rain. Maybe it can inspire someone else too...

"Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it"

Saturday, March 5, 2011

March Musings

Nothing too exciting or extravagant going on in the Saulitis household right now. It's all kind of status quo, and kind of boring. I remember last year at this time, I was having the time of my life planning our wedding. Now, I am just sitting back and watching several of my friends enjoy their time as brides-to-be and living vicariously through them. I miss it. The endless to-do lists. Watching non-stop wedding shows on TV. I am glad to actually have some free time this year, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit jealous of all of those with big life changes going on.

It seems like everyone is either planning a wedding, buying a house, having a baby, or experiencing some other glamorous life change. Well, everyone except me. Andy and I were kind of ahead of the game in our circle of friends. We bought a house 2 1/2 years ago. Then, we were the first to get engaged and married. Now, everyone else is catching up. Not that I think life is a race at all! I have just been missing out on the *excitement* of new things lately.

Andy and I have only been married 7 months and I'm already in a rut- ha! Not with him of course. Him and I are perfect, as we knew we would be given the 6 years we dated prior to getting married. But we have nothing exciting going on in our lives right now. I know, I know... I should probably be enjoying every second of being a newlywed and take the time I have to relax and enjoy a leisurely lifestyle. But when everyone else seems to be experiencing such wonderful things, I get envious! I know Andy and I are not at all ready for babies. I am entirely too selfish at this stage in my life to devote myself to a baby 24/7. I also know we don't need a new house right now. But I can't help feeling like I'm standing stagnant while the world moves on without me.

Weird? Yes. Irrational? Most definitely. One of my biggest character flaws is that I am almost incapable of living in the moment. I am always worried about the next thing, what tomorrow will bring, where the future will lead. I've always been this way. If I have nothing to worry about, I make something up to worry about. Consider it part of my OCD.

Oh well. Here's to hoping I can begin to enjoy where we are currently in our stage of life. In fact, I think I'll start right this instant with a delicious glass of wine and some episodes of Glee on a Saturday night :) Hey, this lack of to-do lists and copious amounts of free time is looking better already!