Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Unexpected Compliments

Today was a busy day in the crazy world of kindergarten. We have a lot going on to wrap up the school year... squeezing in last minute units and curriculum content, beginning the final rounds of testing in math and language arts, organizing the classroom for summer vacation. My classroom was a busy little place today with all the kids working hard and getting things done. Come lunch time, I had been so busy I couldn't believe it was already 12:30! I had just sat down to catch my breath when another teacher called my name...

I looked over at her in the teacher's lounge as she began to tell me a brief story. She started with, "So I met with Kim today..." Kim Brown is our awesome principal who hired me almost two years ago. She is a fabulous principal, so involved in our school and community. You can tell that she truly cares about not only the students in the school, but the staff as well. She is a big reason I decided to take the job at Brookfield. But that being said, she is still my boss. And this is the time of year when decisions are being made for teaching positions for the upcoming school year. Kim uses the principle of seniority when determining teaching placements every year. So if for some reason the school budget requires us to cut teaching positions, I am one of the first teachers to go, as I am the youngest teacher in my school and have been there the shortest amount of time. Needless to say, losing my job is something that crosses my mind every now and then, especially in today's economy and with our projected budget for the 2009-2010 school year. I haven't stressed about the possibility, but I have had to think about what I would do if any such thing occurred. So when my co-worker began this story with "So I met with KIm today...", my heart started to race a little...

My co-worker goes on to tell me that her and Kim were discussing setting up an interview with her daughter this summer. Her daughter is currently finishing her student teaching and will be looking for open teaching positions in Fairfax County for next school year. My co-worker explained that as she was requesting an interview date, my principal began sharing how she typically handles hiring season for potential candidates. Allegedly, my principal began explaining that she doesn't usually and rarely likes to hire teachers right out of college. She stated they always look so young and typically don't have a clue what they are saying or doing. (Meanwhile, while my co-worker is telling me this story, I'm sitting there thinking, hm... why is she telling ME this?!) Then she says, "Kim then said but not like Heather McDonald. She came in all cute with that blonde hair. But when she opened her mouth, she knew what she was talking about".

I thanked my co-worker for sharing that story with me and felt great for the rest of the day...despite the craziness! Sometimes it is nice to be reassured that other people (especially your boss!) notice you doing your job well :)

Take a minute to give someone an unexpected compliment this week. You never know- it just might make someone's day!

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