Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Our 3rd Anniversary

Today, Andy and I celebrate 3 wonderful years of wedded bliss. I guess I can no longer even attempt to claim that we are still *newlyweds*, huh?! Just another old, married couple.... and we couldn't be happier about it :)

It is always so wonderful for us to spend our anniversary looking back and reminiscing on what we were doing 3 years ago on our picture-perfect wedding weekend. I still remember the mild summer sunshine we had for our gorgeous outdoor ceremony (amen, because with the heat we've had this summer- I'd be freaking out!). I remember the unconditional feelings of love and support we received from all our friends and family who joined our celebration. I specifically recall waking up on my wedding day and feeling like every little thing was right in the whole wide world. Our day was the most perfect we could have ever hoped or wished for and we are so lucky to be able to look back at all of our wonderful memories.

 For our 3rd anniversary, we are having a pretty low-key celebration.We have had a very, very busy summer and have a lot going on in the Saulitis household -er- households?! Instead of finding cute little gifts to meet the 3rd anniversary "leather" tradition, we bought each other a house! I promise I will post more information (and definitely pictures!) as we transition into our new home in the not-too-far future! Since we are in desperate save-all-the-money-mode these days, we plan to celebrate our anniversary by Andy going to work and Heather packing boxes at the condo. Romantic, huh?! This evening we will have a nice dinner at home while watching our wedding video together and looking through our wedding album. Sure, we'd love to go out and spend tons of money on a romantic night, but we are content with a nice evening in as we reflect on all the fabulousness of our wedding weekend 3 years ago and look forward to many more anniversaries together in our new home!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

29th Birthday

This past Friday I celebrated my 29th birthday. We started the celebrations a little early on Thursday evening by going bowling with some friends to kick-off the weekend. I have always LOVED my birthday- so I try to drag out the celebrations as much as possible :) Friday I celebrated at school with my amazing co-workers and 5-year olds. I think they may have been more excited than I was! That evening, my parents and Andy's mom met us for dinner at PF Changs for a birthday dinner and then my parents came back to our house for gifts and cake. On Saturday night I met up with some of my bestest friends from highschool. We had cake and festivities at my friend Chris' house and then ventured to see The Legwarmers, an AWESOME 80's cover band... all in our 80's gear! It was such a fun way to celebrate the beginning of the last year of my 20's with such great friends and family. Every year on my birthday I am reminded how lucky I am to have such loving, generous and fun people in my life. Here's to hoping 29 is an amazingly wonderful year!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

30 Before 30 Update

So, it's been a fairly unproductive year since I last updated this list. Fail. I have a feeling this list is going to become my "30 before 40" list also. Oh well. I could blame it on the most time-consuming school year I've had since my first year of teaching, or a plethora of other things, but I'll just say- I clearly don't take enough time for myself and the little pleasures in life. Maybe I should add that to the list?! :)

30 before 30
  1. Get married! Goal complete! Andy and I will celebrate our 3 year anniversary this July :)
  2. Climb Old Rag mountain
  3. Coach a high school sports team, preferably girls soccer or girls volleyball. Complete! I completed my 2nd year of coaching highschool girl's volleyball at Centreville HS last fall.
  4. Go camping for a weekend
  5. Rent an RV and travel to a Virginia Tech football game.
  6. Go to Europe for the second time
  7. Swim with dolphins. Andy and I got to hang with some dolphins when we went to the Bahamas in 2011.
  8. Drive across the United States
  9. Cut my hair short even though it terrifies me. Done in the fall of 2010 and I am doubting it will ever happen again :)
  10. Go to Australia and see the koala bears
  11. Eat Sushi for the first time. Complete.
  12. Get a dog (or two!) that is me and Andy's pet and not our parents'.
  13. Watch my friends fall as happily in love as I am and attend their weddings- In progress. Andy and I continue to celebrate the love of our good friends with weddings throughout the years!
  14. Watch all of the movies currently in my Netflix queue- I have made excellent progress of this in the past few months! Not there yet though.
  15. Learn to cook well, not just make dinnerShout out to Pinterest for my inspiration in the kitchen... most of the time.
  16. Visit Mikaela in Maine and eat a real Maine lobster. If  I accomplish ANYTHING this summer, this is it!
  17. Go to an NFL Super Bowl 
  18. Go to a National Championship Game in college football
  19. Run an official 5k. I completed my first official 5K in May 2011 and am running another in 2 weeks.
  20. Learn how to not kill plants
  21. Send a photo Christmas card. Done.
  22. Buy a townhouse or single-family home. Hopefully in progress... what a headache of a process though :/
  23. Save enough money to keep our condo and rent it. See above
  24. Buy a new car.
  25. Go on a winery tour bus with my best friends- Winery tour last summer.
  26. Get involved with the Girls On The Run program at the elementary school I work at
  27. Give a toast at a special event. I made a brief toast at my Dad's 60th birthday celebration.
  28. Continue to take trips with my amazing parents. Crossing this off the list as we plan yet another vacay this summer!
  29. Host a formal family dinner at my home
  30. Begin the journey of becoming a mom

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Saying Goodbye

It's been a tough, sad, emotional few days for the McDonald family, so forgive me if my words do not flow very well through this post. Yesterday, we sadly had to let go of our family puppy of 15 years, Nittany. Saying goodbye to him is relatively one of the hardest things I have been through in my life. He was my brother, my buddy. He has spent the past 15 years being a member of our little family of 3. Nittany was a true blessing in our lives and I will never forget the memories we shared with him.

I remember when my mom and I went to pick out a puppy when I was in highschool. A family in our neighborhood had just had a litter of puppies and were giving them away. When we showed up to the house, there were lots of cute little black puppies running around like crazy, crawling over our feet, looking for attention. But one little fur ball was running the other direction... under a bush. The owners went over and dragged him back out just to watch him run back under the bush. And of course I thought, "that's my dog!" I am sure Nittany's brothers and sisters made great dogs to the families they joined as well, but I definitely say we got the best pick of the litter.

Nittany was very literally a dog genius. Even from a young age, he was quick to learn. He absolutely LOVED to play. Outside, Nittany would chase tennis balls and catch frisbees for HOURS. He was savvy enough to learn to drop the ball or frisbee right in front of my dad's path while he was mowing the grass so he had no choice but to stop and play. He could catch any frisbee you threw him 9 times out of 10.

My parents home does not have a fence, so from the time Nittany was a puppy, he was trained to stay in our yard. Without any electric fences or leashes, and not a single running away incident, Nittany self-monitored himself to stay within the parameters of our yard. It was honestly a sight to see. You could literally let him out the front door and not watch him at all and when you went back out, he'd either be sitting at the door waiting for you or sniffing around the confines of his domain. Such a good boy.

Nittany also had toys inside the house. A few of his favorites over time were the rubber duck (which he literally chewed until it's head came off), Santa Barney (my friends' personal favorite), Ralphie (a green dinosaur) and his squeaky football. Nittany was so smart he would know each and every single one of his toys by name- and trust me, there were WAY more than the few mentioned above. He would dig through his toy box until he found the requested and would bring it right to you. Smartest.Dog.Ever.

Another favorite thing of Nittany's was jumping on the furniture. My parents did not allow Nittany on the beds and couches in our house. He was a floor dog and he knew that. But when he was younger and we would go out for a few hours, we would return to couch cushions knocked onto the floor. He was always smart enough to know exactly when we left and then be off before we returned. I laughed at those couch cushions everytime.

Nittany also LOOOOVED (or hated, depending on how you look at it) the mailman. He used to literally chase the mailman through the house. He would start at the window in our dining room where he could first see him approach, then run to the front windows by the front porch that the mailman would walk on to deliver the mail. He then ran upstairs to the office window, chased him to the guest bedroom window, all the while barking like a crazy dog. The mailman would wave to him as he crossed through the yard.

I am convinced Nittany knew how to tell time. When he was younger, he would begin to get alert and ready for my dad to come home in the evenings at the same time. He would sit by the door and wait until he saw my dad's car lights turning into the cul-de-sac and then he would push open the front door with his nose and run down to greet him at his car. He was always on time and always so happy to see daddy come home.

Football Saturdays and Sundays must have been some of Nittany's favorite days ever. My mom always sets up tailgates of yummy snacks for football days in our family room and we would sit around for hours watching game after game. Everytime we cheered or celebrated, Nittany would jump up from his spot on the floor ready for a celebratory pepperoni. He always knew when one of our teams scored or did something great and was ready for his treat. After all, he was practically a fan of all of our teams as he sported his VT, PSU, Cowboys or Steelers bandanas.

Nittany loved cheeseburgers. And pepperoni. And roast beef. He enjoyed riding in the car when he was younger and could climb into the back. He loved, loved, loved to play, inside and out. He never left the yard. He could shake and give kisses, and a few times even flipped a pepperoni from on top of his nose into his mouth. But most of all, he loved us. Every single day for 15 years. He watched us sleep. He protected our home. Nittany would sleep in every room of the house to make sure we were all okay. He would lick away tears when I had a bad day or give kisses on the cheek.

I am heartbroken to say goodbye to my brother for the past 15 years. I miss him already. I can only pray that he knew how much we loved him and will cherish the incredible memories we have. I may be a little bit biased, but in my book, Nittany was the

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and beginning to the new year! I could not be any more excited for 2013 to begin. 2012 was not necessarily the best year I've ever had and I am ready for 2013 which I am hoping is my BEST YEAR YET!

Instead of the traditional "resolutions", I decided to change it up and make some new year's wishes instead.

  • Begin (if not finish!) the family home buying process.  Andy and I have a WONDERFUL townhouse style condo that we currently own that is the perfect size for the 2 of us. It is 2-levels, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, with an attached a garage and is located in the perfect spot close to both of our jobs. That being said, as we look to the future of growing our family in the coming years (in both paws and feet, we hope!) we desperately need more space. When people told me I would fill this condo up with just us 2 little people, I thought they were crazy. But now I dream of a bigger walk-in closet, a fireplace with a mantle, and a yard for a dog! This late spring and summer, Andy and I will begin the process of hopefully finding a family home to grow in :)
  • Get a puppy! Andy and I are dying to expand our little family of 2 by 4 paws! I have been wanting a puppy since we got married in 2010 but have patiently waited until we were into the home buying process with a yard in sight. I can't wait to have our first puppy in the house!
  • Use my gift cards! I have become a gift card hoarder. I always forget I have gift cards or neglect to actually bring them when I go somewhere to put them to good use. My goal is to! I need to figure out a system so I am more organized about taking them with me and remembering to use them! Hopefully I can save a little cash since my gift card stash has grown ten-fold over the holidays!
Here's to hoping for a happy and healthy 2013 where wishes and dreams come true! :)