Saturday, March 31, 2012

SpRiNg BrEaK!

Hooray! We made it! Teachers everywhere around the country are celebrating the fact that we made it to spring break! It was a longgggg 6 weeks since our last break, so definitely well earned!

Here's how I plan on spending my 10 days of freedom:

Monday: Grocery shopping & extensively cleaning of the downstairs of our house. I'm talking cleaning the oven, stovetop and even the insides of the microwave and refrigerator. Woo, can't wait for it to be spotless!

Tuesday: Treating myself to some Starbucks & a mani/pedi in spring colors :) Excited to sit and read my Kindle while getting my toes done! Then, cleaning the upstairs of our house. Bathrooms will be conquered!


Wednesday: Leesburg Outlets. Mom & I are making our annual trip to the outlets for fun shopping and a yummy lunch out! I have a hefty list of "needs" for the house.... and myself :)

Thursday: Playing catch-up on things around the house... finishing the cleaning and hopefully doing some work in our guest bedroom. Probably a good day for mindless TV too!

Friday: Hair appointment with Mom in the morning. Then running a few *easter* errands with her for the day :) I can't wait until I am blonde, blonde, blonde again! I haven't had my hair done since the beginning of December! Eeeek!
Saturday/Sunday: Slowly accepting that I must return to my classroom and sweet kinders for 9 more weeks. Lesson planning and report card work... periodically :) Also, enjoying family time for Easter celebrations!

Happy Spring Break to all my teacher friends out there! I hope your weeks are as productive and relaxing as I hope mine is!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Dad's 60th: Updated

Recall a few weeks ago my post on my dad's surprise 60th birthday party in Charles Town, WV? My aunt sent us some more wonderful pictures from the weekend, and I promised to share. Enjoy!

Dad sees the surprise guests
Uncle Michael decorating
Me & the birthday boy
Table Shot
Whole family at Dad's surprise 60th

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Spring Things

The unseasonably warmer weather has me thinking everything spring. Here's a few of my current spring cravings.
lilly pulitzer
lilly pulitzer
lilly pulitzer
lilly pulitzer