Thursday, April 28, 2011

Reason #984798374834 why I MUST have a daughter someday

One of my students (one of the ones I would keep in a heartbeat and take home with me because she is so sweet and smart and adorable, might I add- oh wait, I'm not supposed to admit that there are kids we teachers feel that way about. oh well.) celebrated her 6th birthday yesterday. She arrived at school in the most adorable spring dress ever! Now, I have always been a fan of Gymboree clothes. So much so that I actually want to have a baby sooner than later JUST to buy them cute clothes! Ha, very practical, I know. But this dress was clearly not a Gymboree dress. So, I inquired to my fellow teacher friends with children who I knew would have an idea as to who the designer of this beautiful dress was and lo and behold, I have a new brand to covet! Hanna Andersson. Love, love, love, love, love!
hanna andersson

hanna andersson
Seriously, how adorable are these dresses?! The student in my class was wearing the pattern shown in the top photo above. But I seriously love ALL of the patterns! Makes me want a daughter like, today!

Now, I am almost positive that if I am someday blessed enough to be able to have children, I am going to have nothing but boys (only because I want a girl soooo badly). So, here's some super cute boys get-ups I find adorable too. These both are from Janie & Jack and are adorable for a beach trip with a little boy! Now don't panic- we aren't talking kids yet. I just couldn't help falling in love with that dress yesterday. I can only hope we have a future full of these adorable outfits to look forward to!
janie and jack

janie and jack          

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Coach Saulitis

One of my dreams (and another item on my 30 before 30 list!) has always been to get involved in the profession of coaching. Growing up, I played soccer, volleyball and was a member of my neighborhood pool's swim team. I loved sports (still do, just in case you didn't notice!). Between conditioning, practice, games and camps, I literally was involved in sports year-round. Needless to say, I've missed that.

At Virginia Tech, I played intramural soccer with a group of girls that I met in my dorm freshman year. It was a fun way to keep playing and stay involved in sports. But since then, I haven't played anything! It's officially time to get back into sports and onto fulfilling one of my lifelong dreams.

I am excited that I have been offered a position at a local high school as an assistant volleyball coach for next fall. I truly doubted that this day would come with my lack of experience. It took a lot of courage to even submit my resume! But I am definitely at a point in my life where I feel confident and comfortable with my job as a teacher, Andy and I are married and settled, and I do not have any babies to look after or be responsible for (yet!). This is the perfect time in my life to begin a new journey and to challenge myself with new things.

I am sure I will be posting a lot about my new found career in the future. But for now, I am both excited and nervous for what this journey will be for me. I am certainly hoping it is a wonderful beginning to a long career in coaching!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Break Is Here!


I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I am that it is officially spring break! I have been counting down the days until this week for well.... since my last day off in January! It was a longgggg stretch without a break and I am so looking forward to being both lazy and productive throughout the coming week. Here's a little peek into my to-do list for the week.
  • Hang some pictures & mirrors in the house to update the rooms 
New look for above our bed

  • Leesburg Outlet Shopping with Mom. I have a list of things I need want to get to spice up my spring work wardrobe! Excited for new pants, ballet flats & good deals :)
  • Haircut & highlights
  • Books several hotel rooms for concerts & weddings coming up this summer
  • Make plans for my upcoming 27th birthday in May!

  • Go through my closets & dressers and compile a bag for donations
  • Hangout time with friends with family
  • Several Starbucks trips & runs in the beautiful spring weather outside 

  • Turn my alarm clock off & sleep-in!
Hope all my teacher friends have a relaxing, wonderful spring break! We've earned it!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 16th Remembrance

The rain falling outside today fits the tone of this somber day for me. It is all too fitting.

I can vividly remember April 16th, 2007 and everything I did that day. I remember hearing the news, feeling the panic and overwhelming feeling of fear, receiving the calls and messages from friends, loved ones and mere acquaintances to assure my own safety, and the sadness that overcame me as the numbers of lives lost continued to rise with each update.

Virginia Tech was my home. I fell in love with the colors orange and maroon. I learned that Hokie Stone builds the most beautiful structures. My fellow Hokie classmates were all my brothers and sisters, whether when we were studying at the library together, walking across the drillfield, or cheering our heads off at football games- we were One Hokie Nation.

And I couldn't be more proud to say that we are still One Strong Hokie Nation. That day did not conquer us. We have prevailed in the face of tragedy and terror. I can't begin to express the sadness I feel for those 32 people whose lives were taken far too soon, or for the families that had to cope with such a senseless and unfair circumstance. I also cannot express the immense pride I feel in how our small town of Blacksburg came together on that day and in the days, months, and years that have followed to display the most inspiring sense of unity I have ever been fortunate enough to be a part of.

I choose not to acknowledge the individual who brought on the harm of that day. I know some people do and will continue to, but I will not. To me, those 32 innocent lives are who I continue to live for each and everyday. They will forever live on in my heart and in the hearts of all Hokies everywhere.

Today, and everyday, I remember. I will never forget. And I will continue to Live, Love, and Laugh for 32.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Five on Friday

Here are five things that I am currently obsessed with. 

1. Running Outside.  The warmer temps and sunnier days are inspiring me to hit the pavement running. I am not necessarily opposed to running inside on a treadmill, but the early signs of spring are so motivating to get outside and be active! I was lucky enough to go running outside twice this week and go to the gym twice. Half of my running days this week outside! I am also excited about what the weather forecast has in the works for next week too. Should be beautiful outdoor running weather! Yah for finding my running groove again!

    2. Starburst Jelly Beans. One of the (many) reasons that obsession #1 is so important is so that I can enjoy obsession #2. I am literally addicted to these delish easter treats! I'm not really a huge fan of starburst candies in general, but in the form of these mini jelly beans, I cannot eat just 1 handfull! Everytime I walk past the candy dish, I grab another handfull of them! I seriously have gone through 3/4 of a bag in a week. Yikes! Oh well... thank goodness they are only available at Easter time or I'd be in serious trouble!

    3. Dangly Necklaces: I have been wearing a lot of long, dangly necklaces so far this spring. I found some really cute ones for $3 at Forever21 and they are the perfect accessory to dress up a plain pastel colored tee. I have many different color choices too- light green, violet, peach, pink, silver/gray-LOVE!

    4. Scarves. So, I know this isn't a new trend or anything. But I am loving spring patterned scarfs! Old Navy has an awesome selection of bright colored scarves that instantly brighten up any cardigan. The perfect teacher outfit! I have been wearing lots of cardi's and scarves to school over the past few weeks.

    5. Counting Down the Days Until Spring Break. Self-Explanatory. And...5 school days to go!