Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and beginning to the new year! I could not be any more excited for 2013 to begin. 2012 was not necessarily the best year I've ever had and I am ready for 2013 which I am hoping is my BEST YEAR YET!

Instead of the traditional "resolutions", I decided to change it up and make some new year's wishes instead.

  • Begin (if not finish!) the family home buying process.  Andy and I have a WONDERFUL townhouse style condo that we currently own that is the perfect size for the 2 of us. It is 2-levels, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, with an attached a garage and is located in the perfect spot close to both of our jobs. That being said, as we look to the future of growing our family in the coming years (in both paws and feet, we hope!) we desperately need more space. When people told me I would fill this condo up with just us 2 little people, I thought they were crazy. But now I dream of a bigger walk-in closet, a fireplace with a mantle, and a yard for a dog! This late spring and summer, Andy and I will begin the process of hopefully finding a family home to grow in :)
  • Get a puppy! Andy and I are dying to expand our little family of 2 by 4 paws! I have been wanting a puppy since we got married in 2010 but have patiently waited until we were into the home buying process with a yard in sight. I can't wait to have our first puppy in the house!
  • Use my gift cards! I have become a gift card hoarder. I always forget I have gift cards or neglect to actually bring them when I go somewhere to put them to good use. My goal is to! I need to figure out a system so I am more organized about taking them with me and remembering to use them! Hopefully I can save a little cash since my gift card stash has grown ten-fold over the holidays!
Here's to hoping for a happy and healthy 2013 where wishes and dreams come true! :)

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